Emergency Medicine Secrets

Katherine M. Bakes

Emergency Medicine Secrets - 7th edition. - Philadelphia, PA : Elsevier, 2022 - xxi, 729 pages : illustrations ; 22 cm. - Secrets. . - Secrets series. .

Includes bibliographical references and index.

Decision making in emergency medicine -- Adult cardiac arrest -- Airway management -- Shock -- Emergency ultrasound -- Geriatric emergency medicine -- Palliative care and advance directives -- Research methods and how to critically review emergency medicine literature -- Evidence-based rational use of diagnostic imaging -- Emtala, the joint commission, and hipaa -- Emergency medicine observation medicine -- Performance evaluation and improvement in emergency medicine -- Professionalism and social media applications -- .Altered mental status and coma -- Fever -- Chest pain -- Abdominal pain, nausea, and vomiting -- Headache -- Syncope, vertigo, and dizziness -- Seizures -- Anaphylaxis -- Low back pain -- Nontraumatic ocular emergencies -- Nontraumatic ear, nose, and throat emergencies -- Dental and oral surgical emergencies -- Transient ischemic attack and cerebrovascular accident -- Meningitis -- Breathing and ventilation -- Asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and pneumonia -- Venous thromboembolism -- Congestive heart failure and acute pulmonary edema -- Ischemic heart disease -- Cardiac dysrhythmias, pacemakers, and implantable defibrillators -- Hypertension, hypertensive emergency, aortic dissection, and aortic aneurysms -- Pericarditis and myocarditis -- Esophagus and stomach disorders -- Bowel disorders -- Liver and biliary tract disease -- Renal colic and scrotal pain -- Acute urinary retention -- Urinary tract infection: Cystitis, pyelonephritis, and prostatitis -- Renal failure -- Hemostasis and coagulopathies -- Sickle cell disease -- Oncologic emergencies -- Fluids and electrolytes -- Acid-base disorders -- Diabetes mellitus -- and adrenal disorders -- Sepsis syndromes and toxic shock -- Soft-tissue infections -- Sexually transmitted infections and human immunodeficiency virus -- Tetanus, botulism, and foodborne illnesses -- Travel medicine and vector-borne diseases -- Arthritis -- Skin diseases -- Lightning and electrical injuries -- Drowning -- Hypothermia and frostbite -- Heat illness -- Altitude illness and dysbarisms -- Evaluation of fever in children younger than age three -- Seizures in infancy and childhood -- Acute respiratory disorders in children -- Pediatric gastrointestinal disorders and dehydration -- Pediatric infectious diseases -- Emergency department evaluation of child abuse -- Procedural sedation and analgesia of the pediatric patient -- Pediatric and neonatal resuscitation -- General approach to poisonings -- The alcohols: Ethylene glycol, methanol, isopropyl alcohol, and alcohol-related complications -- Antipyretic poisoning -- Bites and stings -- Smoke inhalation -- Common drugs of abuse -- Cardiovascular toxicology -- Pediatric ingestions -- Pelvic inflammatory disease -- Sexual assault -- Spontaneous abortion, ectopic pregnancy, and vaginal bleeding -- Third-trimester complications and delivery -- Multiple trauma -- Maxillofacial trauma -- Cervical spine and spinal cord trauma -- Head trauma -- Traumatic ophthalmologic emergencies -- Neck trauma -- Chest trauma -- Abdominal trauma -- Pelvic fractures and genitourinary trauma -- Trauma in pregnancy -- Pediatric trauma -- Musculoskeletal trauma, conditions of the extremity, and hand injuries -- Burns -- Wound management -- Acute psychosis -- Depression, suicide, and posttraumatic stress disorder -- Management of the violent patient -- Intimate partner violence -- EMS medical oversight -- Disaster management -- Principles of response to weapons of mass destruction -- Chemical weapons and terrorist agents -- Biological weapons of mass destruction -- Radiation emergencies -- Explosive weapons of mass destruction -- Tactical medicine


Emergency Medicine.
Examination Questions.

WB18.2 / E5355 / 2022