Dense and green building typologies :

Schr�opfer, Thomas,

Dense and green building typologies : research, policy and practice perspectives / Thomas Schr�opfer, Sacha Menz. - 1 online resource. - Springer briefs in architectural design and technology . - Springer briefs in architectural design and technology. .

Includes bibliographical references.

In this book, academics, policy makers, developers, architects and landscape architects provide a systematic review of the environmental, social, economic and design benefits of dense and green building types in high-density urban contexts and discuss how these can support higher population densities, higher standards of environmental sustainability and enhanced live ability in future cities.

9789811307133 981130713X

Sustainable architecture.
Sustainable buildings.
Urban density.
ARCHITECTURE / Adaptive Reuse & Renovation.
ARCHITECTURE / Buildings / Landmarks & Monuments.
ARCHITECTURE / Professional Practice.

Electronic books.

